
I am opposed since
a) it requires the addition of extra syntax to the language, and
b) we have another, better, way to do it.

Somewhat pointed, I don't think the C++ way of putting all imaginable
ways to do the same thing into the language is a sound design
principle. If we have two ways to do the same thing, and one of them
is considered prefered, then I see no reason at all to keep the other
around. What I'm arguing here is that the GADT style syntax is truly
preferable, and thus the other should be removed.

I agree. But ;-) since it's obvious not possible to get rid of the classic syntax completely, I see no harm in having it support existentials and GADTs as well. In an ideal word, in which there wasn't a single Haskell program written yet, I'd indeed like to throw the classic syntax out altogether.



On Jun 28, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Niklas Broberg wrote:

In other words, in your 2x3 grid of syntactic x expressiveness, I want
the two points corresponding to classic syntax x {existential
quantification, GADTs} to be removed from the language. My second
semi-proposal also makes each of the three points corresponding to the
new cool syntax a separate extension.

I see, but why are you opposed to have the classic syntax still support existentials (though foralls) and GADTs (through equality constraints). I
would make sense to me to keep this support around.

I am opposed since
a) it requires the addition of extra syntax to the language, and
b) we have another, better, way to do it.

Somewhat pointed, I don't think the C++ way of putting all imaginable
ways to do the same thing into the language is a sound design
principle. If we have two ways to do the same thing, and one of them
is considered prefered, then I see no reason at all to keep the other
around. What I'm arguing here is that the GADT style syntax is truly
preferable, and thus the other should be removed.



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