
Thanks to those who responded to the message below, about improving the process 
for developing the core Haskell libraries.  

Feedback has been broadly positive, with constructive suggestions that we've 
incorporated in the text.  I suggest that we leave another week for debate and 
refinement, and (unless there are some substantial new points) adopt the new 
process from 9 June.  

I hope that's agreeable. (We don't have a process for modifying the process :-)


| I think there is general agreement that
|  * The library submission process is too daunting, especially because you 
have to
|    come up with a complete implementation of a proposal before you even know
|    whether it's going to fly.
|  * The process gets stuck because achieving universal consensus is too 
|  * The maintainer "" means that no individual feels 
|    for making a decision on a proposal.
| What we need is something to put in its place.  Simon and I have been cooking 
up a
| proposal.  Here it is:
| It is aimed just at libraries whose maintainer is listed as
| (The thousands of other libraries with named maintainers can obviously do 
| their maintainer wants, although perhaps this new draft may be useful for 
them too.)
| It's a draft.  What do you think of it?  Do you think it would be better than 
| status quo?  Can you suggest any improvements?
| ALSO: does anyone (or two or three people) want to volunteer to act as 
maintainer for
| any of the "Volunteer needed" packages?  Johan, I was thinking you might 
serve for
| 'containers', perhaps in harness with someone else since it is such a crucial
| package.
| Simon
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