On Sun, 01 May 2016 00:22:44 +0200, Austin Seipp <aus...@well-typed.com>
  - It has strong access control mechanisms. This means the Prime
committee can do things like have private discussion, outside of usual
e.g. email. I know people are intimately leery of this, but I think in
practice people form private discussion channels anyway, and having
private avenues for discussing larger public things in an easy way
(chat rooms, tickets etc) is desirable. The lack of a sanctioned
private channel IMO will only cause Prime members to discuss in
private *anyway*, but in disjoint groups probably. I don't think we
should use it all the time, but I can imagine we might want this - I
didn't see it brought up.

Previous committees used a mailing list for this, the most recent one is:

I am not saying we should repeat this, just mentioning the option.

Henk-Jan van Tuyl

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