Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Thu, 23 Jan 92 21:22:37 GMT
Original-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was planning to stand aside on syntax issues, but this is going too far!

Simon proposes:
        the back-quote stuff in the lexical syntax,
        and the paren-ifying in the ordinary syntax.
Kevin adds:
   I agree with you, Simon.  Errors from unmatched backquotes
   could be harder for users to spot in the 1.2beta syntax,
   especially as backquote's a self-matching character...
Joe and Paul wimp out:
  Neither of us feel strongly about it. 
Oh no!  Not more syntactic convolution!

I agree completely with the original goal of the change to both the
parenifying and back-quote stuff: we need more syntactic consistancy.
What purpose does it serve to place two almost identical concepts:
changing an operator to a var and changing a var to an operator, in
different syntactic catagories.  Why should we be worried about
  `foo {- aaa -}`
begins to creep into the programs of unsuspecting Haskell programmers?
Who would actually write something like this?  Do we instead have to make
` foo ` a syntax error?  After all, ( + ) is OK.  In fact, even
(+ {- aaa -}) is OK.  I don't follow Kevin's comment about errors in
unmatched backquotes being hard to spot.  All you have to so is look
for an id and another backquote - why is this a problem?

So - leave it alone!  Strike a blow for consistancy!  We've already
got plenty of syntactic gotchas. Example:
a+1 = b    -- definition of +
(a+1) = b  -- pattern binding of a

OK - I feel better now.


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