Original-Via: uk.ac.nsf; Wed, 29 Jan 92 15:14:28 GMT

   John Peterson writes:

   I was planning to stand aside on syntax issues, but this is going too far!
   Simon proposes:
           the back-quote stuff in the lexical syntax,
           and the paren-ifying in the ordinary syntax.
   Oh no!  Not more syntactic convolution!
I agree with John, only more so.  I'd rather do without the proposed
1.2 gratuitous complexification, too.  What was wrong w/ the good old
friendly *lexemes*...?

        var     `var`
        +       (+)

It never occurred to me to confuse the lexeme (+) with the syntactic
whatsit (+ ...).  Nor have I seen a Haskell program(mer) bitten by
this alleged shortcoming.

Can anyone provide an example of a *single real* Haskell program that
would benefit from the post-1.0 changes?

Will "Feeling Better, Too" Partain

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