Phil writes:
> In the absence of convincing answers, I'd rather have as many laws
> as possible, hence my preference for unlifted tuples and products.

Here's another law that I find useful:

If we write

        f p = p

where p is some pattern&expression then I expect f to be the identity
function when p matches.  E.g.

        f (x:xs) = (x:xs)

        f True = True

behaves that way.  Unfortunately it is not true in Haskell.

        f (n+1) = n+1

        f x | x >= 1 = n+1 where n=x-1

since n+k patterns are defined in terms of >= and -, and there is
absolutely no guarantee that - is the inverse of +.

Another example

        f 5 = 5

        f x | x == fromInteger 5 = fromInteger 5

and we don't know what equality means in general so it may fail again.

Will you therefore suggest that we drop n+k patterns and pattern
matching on numeric literals to make more laws hold?

        -- Lennart

PS.  I agree with Paul, if that wasn't clear.

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