Strictness annotations do not completely remove the need for unlifted 
products.  (However, on balance I am inclined to stay with lifted 
products only, rather than add a new language feature.)

In a lifted product, bottom /= (bottom, bottom).  That is, a new bottom 
is added onto the produce, so the product is lifted above these.  In an 
unlifted product, bottom = (bottom,bottom).  Miranda claims to use 
unlifted products for tuples while Haskell uses lifted products.

Consider the function:
    f(x,y) = 5
In either either Haskell or Miranda, f(bottom, bottom) = 5.  In Miranda,
since (bottom, bottom) = bottom, it must be the case that f bottom = 5, 
and it is.  In Haskell, on the other hand, f bottom = bottom.  Pattern 
matching always forces evaluation at least to the point where the 
constructor is applied, even in the case where there is only one 
constructor.  If we define
    g [] = 5
    g (x:xs) = 5
you would expect g bottom = bottom, and Haskell treats f in a similar 
manner even though there is only one constructor for an ordered pair.

If we make the pairing operator, (_,_), strict in both arguments, then 
    f (bottom, bottom) = f bottom = bottom
On the other hand, if we make products unlifted, then
    f (bottom, bottom) = f bottom = 5
In either case, (bottom, bottom) = bottom, but stirctness annotations 
also make (bottom, x) = (x, bottom) = bottom for all x, which is not the 
case with unlifted products.

As Phil Wadler pointed out, with lifted tuples the types
   (a,b) -> c   and   a -> b -> c
are not isomorphic because the domain for (a,b) contains an extra bottom 
element.  That is, there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between 
curried and uncurried functions!  Strictness annotations do not solve 
this problem.

Miranda has both a mechanism for forcing strictness and unlifted 
products.  In Miranda
    seq x y = y,       if x \= bottom
            = bottom,  if x = bottom
For example,
    seq bottom 5 = bottom
Since Miranda uses unlifted products, it must be the case that
    seq (bottom, bottom) 5 = seq bottom 5 = 5
but is isn't!  Miranda incorrectly (according to the language 
definition) gives
    seq (bottom, bottom) 5 = 5
To correctly evaluate seq (x, y) 5 it would be necessary to concurrently 
evaluate x and y, since (x, y) is bottom if and only if both x and y are 
bottom.  (I enjoy finding a flaw in Miranda because there are so few to 
be found!)

Warren Burton
Simon Fraser University

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