On Sat, 24 Oct 1998, Philip Wadler wrote:

>       I was planning to try similar things you have mentioned
>       on your page, such as interfacing to "the fastest FFT in
>       the West" (FFTW) via GreenCard, ...
> By the way, FFTW although written in C, was generated by a functional
> program written in Caml.  You can find more details on the web page
>       Functional Programming in the Real World
>       http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/~wadler/realword/

        Yes, I know it, but thank you for pointing it out.
        It is amazing to see how useful caml/ocaml is in development
        of other goodies, such as Pict, Joint Calculus, Ensemble, etc.
        I think that they did a good job with interfacing
        it to C in a variety of ways: toplevel, bytecode, native
        code, embedded bytecode, etc.; and that's probably one of the
        answers why it is so popular - at least among researchers.

> -- P

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