"D. Tweed" wrote:
> The other question to consider is the `sociological makeup' of the user
> base. Looking at most people who hack on Free Software projects they are
> either people doing undergrad computer science degrees or who work in
> computers after finishing/dropping out part way through computer science
> degrees. I'm tempted to suggest that as a consequence this means that
> they've got a reasonable background in computers and a desire to do
> something interesting (those that are working tend to imply their jobs
> bring in money but aren't terribly fascinating).

If people are really that interested in getting the demographic makeup
of the FP community, I might suggest having a poll on haskell.org. It
could ask questions such as employment status, whether you work on
computers in your "spare time", have you ever contributed code to a FP
project, etc. It could help get a pulse of where people are at and what
they would be willing to do.

Not that *I* have the time to create such a web site. :-)

- Michael Hobbs

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