Erik Meijer wrote:
> [...] I think that this really depends in which world you live. In
> Unix/Linux-land components are usually distributed as C source files.
> In Windows-land you either get a DLL or a COM component with a type
> library (a binary representation of its IDL description), [...]

The first sentence exactly states the problem: There are basically two
groups at the moment, one small M$-driven, knowing almost everything
about COM/OLE/[insert your favourite M$ acronym here], and the other
probably much larger group sitting in front of their *nix-boxes, being
overwhelmed and frustrated by the sheer amount of M$ documentation when
everything they wanted was to write a simple C library binding with
H/Direct. Please note that I'm not flaming against M$ or H/Direct, but
I'm simply not willing to read huge documents which are 99%
inappropriate for the things I want to do. H/Direct is extremely cool
and misses only few things on the technical side, but it *really*
lacks documentation of the kind "Interfacing to C via H/Direct for
Dummies", the small examples subdirectory is simply not enough. What
is needed is e.g. a simple recipe for the manual conversion of .h files
into .idl files, which of the dozens of ihc's command line options you
need for this simple interfacing to C, etc. Without this, I guess, most
*nix people will stick to Green Card and/or the FFI.

Sven Panne                                        Tel.: +49/89/2178-2235
LMU, Institut fuer Informatik                     FAX : +49/89/2178-2211
LFE Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen              Oettingenstr. 67
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