Paul Hudak wrote:

> P.S. I really like the idea someone suggested of maintaining a list of
> open projects, who's working on what, etc. as in the Linux community. 

One major difference between the Linux community and the Haskell
community is that in LinuxLand the reward is the name, recognition,
while the people in Haskell community tend to be in academia. They
want POPL papers! Putting your still half baked but most cherished
'BEST IDEA FOR YEARS' on a list may inspire someone else to write the
POPL paper you wanted to write, which means no brownie point for

> But, we need a worker bee to do that too :-)

Not necessarily. If there was an 'Ultimate Collection of Haskell
Related Material' repository ( where anyone could check
code/docs/drafts in, one could imagine an automatic browsing tool
instead of the worker bee. Though, this imaginary tool still have to
be implemented in the first place...


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