Adrian Hey writes:

> Is referential transparency really such a sacred cow? Sometimes
> side effects are useful IMHO e.g. for IO. (Though the Cleaners regard
> IO as being referentially transparent for technical reasons which I
> don't quite understand.)
> I've been looking at Concurrent Haskell, and more recently Johan
> Nordlanders O'Haskell. I think there's a good deal of sense in both
> these dialects of Haskell (I especially like the idea of getting rid
> of the evil I:-)
> To me, the important thing is that it should be clear when we do and
> when we don't have referential transparency. Where we don't, words
> like 'operation' or 'action' should be used instead of 'function'.
> So I can see nothing wrong with encapsulated (mutable) state, in principle,
> just so long as the state is only mutated by 'actions'.

Just to avoid any unfortunate misconceptions: O'Haskell definitely
preserves the property we commonly refer to as referential transparency,
and so does Concurrent Haskell, or any other sound monadic extension of
the language.

But what I think Adrian is advertising here is the beauty of programming
with (state) monads in general -- a command producing a value has a 
different type from an expression denoting the same value.  O'Haskell
builds its object-oriented state encapsulation on top of this general

-- Johan

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