> Adrian Hey writes:
>  > On Wed 06 Oct, Johan Nordlander wrote:
>  > > Just to avoid any unfortunate misconceptions: O'Haskell definitely
>  > > preserves the property we commonly refer to as referential transparency,
>  > > and so does Concurrent Haskell, or any other sound monadic extension of
>  > > the language.
>  > 
>  > Hmm, I obviously don't understand what 'referential transparency' means.
>  > I must say I'm puzzled by statements like this. If the presence of
>  > mutable variables (and MVars in Concurrent Haskell) preserve referential
>  > transparency, then why _don't_ we have referential transparency in C?
> I'm not surprised you are puzzled. Concurrent Haskell, as
> implemented in ghc, does NOT preserve referential
> transparency, nor could it. 

Of course it does!  If it wouldn't many of the optimisations
performed by GHC would be invalid and you would be doomed if
you compiled a Concurrent Haskell module with -O (actually,
you would most certainly already be doomed without -O).

Check out the type signatures of the `MVar'-related
operations and you will find that they are all nicely
encapsulated in the `IO' monad.  


PS: We don't have referential transparency in C, because K&R 
    didn't know Phil Wadler ;-)

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