I had at first thought that this might be a discussion of the US style
definition of round in the standard prelude that always bites me...

... Then that it might be the bug in floor within the standard issue
of GMP.

Instead its a discussion of FP problems.

(1) My friend Jean-Michel Muller at Lyon has published a number of
    papers on the extension of IEEE 754 to cover transcendentals to
    within 1ULP. He has heuristic data to indicate that you need
    `about' twice the mantissa size for the internal registers
    to make the gaurantee possible.

(2) If anyone is interested (then to 40dp):



(3) The above from a small library of Exact Arithmetic functions that
    my PhD studen and I have been working on. Rather gratifyingly
    Norbert Muller (Trier) and I agree on our results to a 1000 decimal

Just let me know if you need more digits...

David Lester

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