
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Philip Wadler wrote:

> Volker suggests using SGML/DSSSL for documentation.  If one were to
> take this route, I think XML/XSLT would be a more sensible combination.

Why do you think so? I see the following advantages of SGML/DSSSL over

- open source tools available
- SGML is much better for ordinary text editors. XML markup is quite
  heavy, because no tag minimisation is supported.
- DTDs such as TEI-Lite and DocBook are for SGML. However, a XML-DTD for
  DocBook is being developed.

SGML can be converted to XML, using a tool like sgmlnorm, I think.

> Volker (or anyone else reading this), can you tell me where to find a
> user manual for DSSSL?  I've never been able to locate one.  

Here are some of my DSSSL bookmarks:

An Introduction to DSSSL 

This FTP directory contains the DSSSL specification in various formats.

James Clark's DSSSL page

DSSSL documentation project

DSSSL Syntax Summary

> I'd also
> like an article for SIGPLAN or JFP (or both) describing DSSSL, if you
> think you can write one please let me know.

I don't think, my knowledge of DSSSL is deep enough for this. I'm also not
sure, if they would take articles from mere students of computer science.


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