> Jan Brosius wrote:

> I wonder if it is possible to simulate a doubly linked list in
> Haskell.

... and the number of answers was impressive...

Want some more?
This is a short for *making* true double
lists, and as an extra bonus it is circular. Slightly longer than
the solution of Jan Kort, no empty lists.

A data record with three fields, the central is the value, other
are pointers.

> data Db a = Dd (Db a) a (Db a) deriving Show
-- (don't try to derive Eq...)

dlink constructs a circular list out of a standard list. Cannot
be empty. The internal fct. dble is the main iterator, which constructs
a dlist and links it at both ends to prev and foll.

> dlink ll = 
>  let (hd,lst)=dble ll lst hd
>      dble [x] prev foll = 
>        let h = Dd prev x foll in (h,h)
>      dble (x:xq) prev foll =
>        let h=Dd prev x nxt
>            (nxt,lst) = dble xq h foll
>        in (h,lst)
>  in hd

You might add some navigation utilities, e.g.

> left  (Dd a _ _) = a
> right (Dd _ _ a) = a
> val   (Dd _ x _) = x

etc. At least you don't need Monads nor Zippers. Keith Wansbrough
proposes his article. I don't know it, when you find it please
send me the references. But there are previous works, see the
article published in Software 19(2), (1989) by Lloyd Allison,
"Circular programs and self-referential structures".

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
Caen, France

PS. Oh, I see now that the KW article has been found...
Well, I send you my solution anyway.

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