Jan writes:

>       Just out of curiosity: Is your compiler clever enough
>       to do just what you said? Another words, would this
>       attached code fail to produce random nonce string (
>       the idea apparently criticized by Erik, but I do not care
>       where this came from. It works fine in Hugs-98,
>       February 2000 release). Humor me please :-)
>       nonce :: Int -> String
>       nonce size
>           = take size (filter isAlpha
>                (randoms $ mkStdGen (fst $ unsafePerformIO timeFrom1970)))
>       timeFrom1970 :: IO (Int, Int)
>       -- you can simulate it somehow, but
>       -- source code is available to all
>       -- at www.numeric-quest.com/haskell/bridge/

Off-topic, I know, but even if this worked as I think you intend, it would hardly be 
random and would certainly be unsuitable for use as a nonce.  Applying `mkStdGen' to 
the current time doesn't make it any more random!  You might as well use

nonce size = take size (cycle (map chr (chop_into_smaller_bits timeFrom1970)))

where chop_into_smaller_bits expresses timeFrom1970 in base 36 or something.

An attacker can certainly guess within a few seconds (= a few trials) when your 
connection was negotiated.

--KW 8-)
: Keith Wansbrough, MSc, BSc(Hons) (Auckland) -------------------:
: PhD Student, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK. :
: Native of Antipodean Auckland, New Zealand: 174d47'E, 36d55'S. :
: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/kw217/ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

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