Sun, 21 May 2000 11:53:39 +0400 (MSD), S.D.Mechveliani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> The economy of names is more important.

Convenience of programming is important too. Many Prelude functions
are unnecessary, but are convenient. (++) and concat are not needed
(you can write flip (foldr (:)) for (++) and foldr (++) [] for concat).
It does not mean that one of them or both should be removed.

[qrczak ~/src/ghc-4.07/ghc/compiler]$ find -name '*.lhs' | xargs egrep ' (min|max) 
|`(min|max)`' | less
16 occurences are calls to min and max.

[qrczak ~/src/ghc-4.07/ghc/compiler]$ find -name '*.lhs' | xargs egrep ' (min|max)imum 
' | less
Only 1 occurence.

I am more happy with standard Prelude.

 __("<    Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__/              GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++>++++$ P+++ L++>++++$ E-
  ^^                  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
QRCZAK                  5? X- R tv-- b+>++ DI D- G+ e>++++ h! r--%>++ y-

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