"S.D.Mechveliani" wrote:

> When processing this tree, it would be natural to write in each node
>                            m + b  and  min [m,b].
> The former is "necessary" due to the infix-binary tradition.
> The latter uses [,] because it is good to have one function  min  for a
> list and for the two elements.

There is not only the "infix-binary" tradition to consider.  Haskell
also has a "tradition" of curried functions.  If you insist on
eliminating one of "min" and "minimum", then I would rather keep "min",
and write "foldl1 min" instead of minimum.  I consider min to be the
simpler and more useful function.

You don't have to use all the functions in the prelude; you are free to
ignore the ones you consider redundant.

Matt Harden

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