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Michael Marte wrote:
> When adding the three double numbers
> 0.7, 0.2, and 0.1, a ghc 4.07-compiled program (compilation flag -O)
> yields 0.9999999999999999. Whatever this string stands for, [...]

The closest thing the addition of those numbers can give you with
IEEE-754 double precision numbers.  :-)
0.1 base 10 = 0.19999999999999999... base 16, IIRC.

Ironically, GHC-4.08 with -O yields exactly 1 because of its improved
constant folding, which is done via rationals. GCC sometimes does
similar surprising things when optimization is switched on, see its
man pages, especially the flag -ffloat-store. It is a little bit
debatable if the improved precision/range is a bonus or simply wrong.
The latest GHC from CVS now takes a route similar to the recent
Java language spec (see the sections on the strictfp modifier):

   * If the -fstrictfp Option is given, *all* calculations (at
     compile time and runtime) are done with the precision/range
     of the type in question.

   * If the option is not given, you can sometimes have results
     which are *more* exact, but never less exact. Intermediate
     results can even leave the range of the floating point type
     in question without being converted to infinity.

(Is this OK, Lennart? ;-)


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