On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Matthias Höchsmann wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following problem:
> basic datatypes
> > type Sequence a = [a]
> > data Tree a = N a (Forest a) deriving (Ord,Eq,Show)
> > type Forest a = Sequence (Tree a)
> i want to construct a class Xy
> > class Xy s a where
> >      test :: s a -> a
> and make an instance for list of characters
> > instance Xy [] Char where
> >      test [a] = a
> this works, and an instance for a forest and tried something like this
> > instance  ([] Tree) Char where
> > test x@(N a xs):txs = a

Don't you mean

test (N a xs:txs) = a


/Lars L

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