Einar Karttunen writes:

 > Lifting [network address information] to Haskell level
 > seems quite pointless, as it is usually just fed back to
 > the C functions.

Well, I certainly _do_ need it.

 > The current way is to ignore adress families as much as
 > possible while still supporting multiple ones. E.g. the
 > following works with both IPv4 and IPv6 in network-alt:
 > googleMainPage = do
 >   h <- connectTCP "www.google.com" "http"

That's true. However, it doesn't work with anything _but_
IPv4 and IPv6. I think it is unsatisfactory that you need a
different function to connect to a TCP target than to
connect to a Unix stream socket.

The longer I think about this whole thing, the more I am
convinced that using URIs is the answer.


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