Thanks, Bulat. I'm looking forward to trying it out this weekend.

Is there any indication what fast IO approach might work its way into
the standard libraries? It would be nice for idiomatic Haskell to be
really fast by default, and I'd love to be able to show off the language
shootout implications to coworkers.

Cabal doesn't seem obvious to me. Currently my uninformed point of view
is that the whole thing is too complicated to be worth the benefit it
provides. Since it generally seems popular, I'm guessing that means it's
either much simpler than it seems, or else the benefit provided is just
enormous. Can anyone point me to a sales pitch, or provide some
motivation for me to RTFM?



On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 10:17 +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Chad,
> Friday, May 19, 2006, 10:40:56 PM, you wrote:
> > It sounds like Bulat has gotten some impressive I/O speedups with
> > his Streams library. I'd like to try this out, but I'm having some
> > trouble installing it. I'm using GHC on Linux.
> yes, and current (still unpublished) version is even better than previous
> one
> > My first attempt was looking around on this page:
> >
> > There's a really nice description, but no signs of where to
> > actually get the library.
> the old hawiki don't allowed to publish links to site,
> because it's public site used also by spammers. i plan to request
> some place on the site for my projects to make
> possible links publishing
> > From here I was able to download it, but there's no information
> > regarding how this needs to be set up. There are directories "Data",
> > "Examples", and "System", which I assume are supposed to be plugged
> > into the hierarchical module structure, but how do I do that? I
> > thought this might have something to do with Cabal (I've not yet
> > used that), but the Cabal manual talks about a .cabal file, which doesn't 
> > exist here.
> > Does this follow some standard approach that I'm not familiar with?
> > Where should I look to learn more?
> you will be laughing but i still not learned how cabal should be used
> and just pack all the library modules together. you can either copy
> Data & System dirs to the place where your program lies or use "-i"
> ghc switch to point compiler where it can find additional modules:
> ghc --make -i/Haskell/StreamsLib  YourProgram.hs
> in this case, ghc will search, for example, module "Data.Ref" in file
> /Haskell/StreamsLib/Data/Ref.hs (after looking to ./Data/Ref.hs)
> directory Examples contains examples of using library, you should copy
> files from this dir to root library directory in order to compile them

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