Udo Stenzel wrote:

- Provide a known good cabal.  Make sure it installs on GHC 6.6 and 6.4.

Cabal 1.2 works all the way back to GHC 6.2. The recommended way to build new packages with an old GHC will be to upgrade Cabal first.

- Start fixing dependencies.

In progress for the GHC 6.8.1 release, I believe (dcoutts is on the case).

- Refrain from renaming stuff.  System.Posix is a fine name.

Who renamed it?  It's still called System.Posix AFAIK.

- Refrain from always using the latest interface of everything.

While we're at it, the ability to have multiple versions of a library
installed under the same name is a recipe for desaster, too.  It should
be dropped, instead implementing Eternal Compatibility in Theory by
encoding version numbers in module names.

Personally I object to ECT, it's too heavy. I believe versioning belongs in the package system where it currently is.

Sorry for the rant, but the situation was actually better before Cabal
tried to fix everything and in the process broke both versions of GHC
that are in widespread use right now.

The main problem you seem to be running into is that base previously contained bytestring, but you need to upgrade bytestring in order to use binary, right?

In that case, I think a reasonable hack is to modify the package configuration for base to move Data.ByteString from exposed-modules to hidden-modules (I'd be wary about removing it altogether). Perhaps the bytestring Setup.lhs should do this automatically when registering?

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