Friedrich wrote:

Ok to  be more concrete is the laziness "hidden" here?

check_line line sum count = let match = matchRegex regexp line
        in case match of
               Just strs -> (sum + read (head strs) :: Integer, count + 1)
               Nothing -> (sum, count)
Probably. I would guess that "sum" and "count" are not being forced (i.e. evaluated) until the end of the computation, so instead of computing the result of "sum + read (head strs)" your program is just creating a thunk. Because this is in a loop, you wind up with a chain of thunks.

Try putting turning the "Just" line into something like

Just strs -> (seq sum $ sum + read (head strs) :: Integer, seq count $ count + 1)

That would be my guess.  But I could be wrong.

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