(Chris Devers):
> > Software that makes applications have different behaviour for basic  user
> > interface actions is hateful. I don't care whether it's GNU Readline or
> > OCDEV Taboo or gtk+ or the lowly "alias rm rm -i", it's hateful.

> But applications already behave differently.

Well, duh, they're software, therefore hateful. But one of the advantages
(uncertain as it is) to the Mac is that this problem is generally less of
an issue.

> Throwing up a "are you sure
> you meant to quit" dialog before imploding seems much less hateful than
> simply allowing it to happen,

        "Logout was cancelled by Terminal"

        "Logout was cancelled by iTunes"

I'm sorry, no, when I said "I want to log out" that doesn't mean "I want
to stand there waiting for every application to get around to letting me

When I'm in a hurry I've taken to logging out by opening terminal and
typing "killall loginwindow", and shutting down with "halt".

> and other applications -- Terminal, to pick
> just one -- already have this capability built in, where it won't allow
> you to quit if you have processes running unless you tell it to do so.

Luckily I can disable this and use "screen" like I do everywhere else.

If it's going to do this, it should at least NOT do it for logouts.

> Well, right. I was more getting at the fact that, in my experience with
> my own computer and with helping other people with theirs, installing  
> APE to run Haxies is a sure way to destabilize an otherwise working  
> computer.

What Haxies are they/you running? I have no problem with IceCoffee,
Metallifizer, and ClearDock.

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