On 2006-07-12 at 11:00 +0200, Hakim Cassimally wrote:
> windows-r brings up a mini command line.  When I used windows I used
> that for pretty much all of my application launching.  Sure it mean
> you had to remember "excel" but "winword" and "powerpnt", but with
> command-line completion that wasn't too heavy.

I add aliases.

> I could never quite work out where these names were registered
> (they're not in PATH, but are the short names which respond to "start
> progname" in command line, I rifled through the registry a couple of
> times to try to work it out, unsuccessfully).

I found it, when I got fed up with not being able to run PuTTY that way;
I've since added a few others.  The main limitation is that you're
limited to .exe, from what I recall, so no .bat.  The other is that
whilst you can specify that a program takes drag&drop, you can't
otherwise massage the parameters.  That, in combination with the lack of
.bat files, means that I haven't yet gotten to be able to type "zsh" and
get a properly-working Cygwin zsh setup.  By setting the Path first,
it's almost working, but I need to manually source the login files which
do the rest of the critical setup.  If someone knows how I can get to
run "zsh -l" then I'll be very interested to know.  I suspect that the
answer involves a compiler.  ;^)

You can have the target be a .lnk file (pointing directly to the .exe),
so I have pcmd.exe pointing to my menu shortcut for a command-prompt,
which changes the font to something smaller and increases the window
size, etc.

-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\
 Directory: cmdname.exe
   (Default)    REG_SZ X:\path\to\cmdname.exe
   Path         REG_SZ X:\path\to\
   DropTarget   REG_SZ {CLSID}

Default key is command to run.
Option Path key adds a semicolon-separated list of paths to the end of
the %PATH% presented to the program.

DropTarget is IDropTarget implementor; if present, then dropped files
are not put onto the cmdline as parameters but instead passed directly.


ShellExecute() looks in:
 * Current working directory
 * Windows directory
 * Windows\System32 directory
 * Directories listed in PATH environment variable
 * the "App Paths" registry key
Order of this lookup varies; XP SP1 moves App Paths to top

-----------------------8< cut here: putty.reg >8------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="C:\\Program Files\\PuTTY\\putty.exe"
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------

-----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------

> I'd note that windows-m isn't as useful as you'd think for hiding pron
> as it responds very slowly in some cases as every window has to
> respond and animate the minimize window command.  The "Show Desktop"
> option is quicker, though I forget what keyboard combination that's
> mapped to.

Windows-D (for Desktop).  I use that, Win-R and sometimes Win-E.
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