> Ohgodyes. I suspect Safari was partially responsible for my
> experiences of OS 10.4 on a Mini being less stable than XP on the
> laptop sitting next to it. Safari appeared to consistently take twice
> as much RAM as Firefox despite the latter running three times as many
> tabs. That, along with Dashboard widgets just consuming insane
> quantities of memory. WebCore has a lot to answer for.

I hated when Adium went to using Webkit/core. Not only did I have to give up
using it on Jaguar, it got significantly slower.

And it's why Dashboard widgets use over 10x the CPU of Konfabulator widgets.

Yes, really, I have multiple K widgets on screen all the time, with CPU about
2-3% for *everything* in the system, even on a mini. Bring up Dashboard and
CPU use jumps to 20%. On my Macbook. Dual core 2.16 GHz.

Page layout primitives are NOT APPROPRIATE for precisely positioned GUI
elements, kthxbye.

(insert hate about CSS taking the whole "no tables" things too seriously
and refusing to have grid layout as an option, just to turn it up to 11)

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