> You'll then notice that the "Obligatory Picture" is now below the Amazon ads
> (which themselves have shifted down) on the right hand side.  I did not use
> floats for either style, nor did I play with layers.  Granted, it took some
> playing around with but since I don't really *care* for IE compatibility
> it's not all that hateful (just some).

That doesn't look like you're using grid layout to me. It looks like
you're using packing layout, which is a fine tool for simple layouts but
it's not very flexible and it requires a lot more playing around and it's
all but impossible to do a flexible auto-resizing layout that allows stuff
like aligned multi-columns above and below a spanned column... which is
trivial with grid layout.

And... are you sure you didn't use floats?

| DIV.sidebar
| {
|   vertical-align:     text-top;
|   float:              right;
|   width:              20em; /*30%;*/ /*auto;*/
|   margin:             0 1em 0 .5em;
|   border:             1px solid black;
|   padding:            0;
|   background-color:   #CCCCFF;
|   color:              #000000;
| }

I used to find myself on the defensive with this back before Tk had the
ability to use grid layout, and I had to admit that getting certain
effects in Tk before the grid layout engine was created was way too

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