On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 02:25:44PM +0100, Yoz Grahame wrote:
> On 7/12/06, Hakim Cassimally <hakim.cassima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >So, I had to reboot it every 1-2 days or it would run like treacle,
> Same with mine. And the problem - oh how I laughed - appears to be
> Firefox leaking like a wounded oil tanker.

Please do not start me on Firefox hate. I can go on for HOURS. I really
*really* need to find something else.

Lets start with not telling you the mime type when you want to save a file.
Sure it might be minor; but it makes it sortof impossible to fix your
mailcap or mimetypes (or whatever-the-farce it uses) doesnt it?

Continue with firefox 1.5 whole "skinned" look, what happened to the ff 1.0
native look? (On unix, its true, 'native look' is an oxymoron). Perhaps it
was only a look. Still, it looked much better, especially on XP.

Then firefox 1.5 seemed to use a new fangled version of the GTK, (or does it
use something else? Im no good at keeping track of this stuff). Said GTK
version has new save dialogs are essentially unnavigable. I typed out a big
long spiel about the way _everything_ is wrong. But theres no point; you
know already. Its slow, and unusable, and they refuse to use the native
dialogues where they exist (eg winXP). Plenty of GTK hate, then. Ample proof
that user interfaces should NOT be designed by software engineers.

Next thing to hate must be the way it handles external applications. Now
some of this is probably my fault; after all, my $HOME is on AFS which tends
to disappear occasionally (credentials expire). But I'm sure you'll be quick
to notice that from the "Download Actions" editor, available from somewhere
in preferences, you can _Change_ actions and _Remove_ actions, but will
find it difficult, nay, impossible, to actually /add/ an action. Somehow I
actually have "PDF" twice. I suppose they have different mime types but will
they tell me? NOOOO I couldnt POSSIBLY want that information, could I?

Now lets continue with memory usage, which others too have noticed. I'm glad
its not just me. Not only does it get big, it also gets slow.
Middle-clicking on an tab (to paste a URL from the X selection) is nice an
snappy when its first loaded. After a day or 2 of use, its up to somewhere
~1.0 seconds of lag. Pressing "back" starts to get similarly slow, too. At
least from memory. I just restarted it. And lost all my tabs. ARGH.

Another hate is the form-field saving for SSL pages. Ive met at least one
form that I enter my CC number into and gets saved. Onto DISK. Great! Just
what I always wanted! Its on SSL you freaking idiot; its sensitive
information! Is that SOO HARD to figure out? The offensive thing is that
saved form information is supposed to be cleared automagically on exit, at
least according to preferences. It lies, I tell you, it LIES.

Oh now we get to one my pet hates; the one that I find most endearing: the
handling of the multi-line text input dialoges. In many unix text editors,
Ctrl-A is beginning-of-line; so you press Ctrl-A, and then press a key to
insert whatever character you want: boom! all your text vanishes, because
Ctrl-A is magically SELECT ALL instead. Thank god undo works.

The handling of spaces at an automatic line wrap is most foul and
counter-intuitive; I'm not sure what it is about it that infuriates me so,
but every time I bump into it, it confounds me. I think its because an
automatic wrap is NOT a linefeed, despite having equivalent appearance.

Oh, multiple tab rows are *desperately* needed, I often end up with just a
row of pretty icons with "..." displayed after them. Windows task bar had
this years ago, in at *least* win98 (thats 8 years, and counting). Oh but
Microsoft couldnt have *possibly* got something right, could they? In winXP
they go one better, and group similar windows together. It actually works,

Installing new plugins is always a mission. You have to bury them in a
special place in ~/.mozilla or they wont work. The java one is particuarly
quirky, and must itself be a symlink into the JRE installation somewhere.

Im sure there is plenty of other things. Oh there definately is: theres no
option for "treat as plain text" when opening an unsupported mime type. The
server is always right, is it? WRONG. The number of times I've had to save
something to disk an read it using 'less' is ludicrous and heartbreaking all
at once considering it was a browser, which ostensibly is a human-interface
with that exact capability, that forced me to do just that.

> Sure, I'm frequently
> running in excess of 30 tabs, but when the process starts it's taking
> about 250MB and has risen to 500+ by the end of the day, most of which
> happens when I'm doing nothing at all. (Seriously, just open the
> Process pane of Task Manager and watch.)
> Sure, I can just kill and restart FF, but given that it's the main
> thing I run and all those tabs take so long to open anyway...

Sir, have a beer. On me.


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