On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 09:35:09AM -0500, Stephen Deken said:
> So... you've chosen to use an application whose raison d'etre is to:

s/use/try out to see what all the fuss is about now I'm being forced to 
use Windows/

but close. Bonus points for getting raison d'etre in there though ;)
>  * Provide an interface to the iPod
>  * Provide an interface to the iTunes Store
>  * Play music

I'd put play music first - I even seem to remember it being available
before the iPod but my memory could be faulty. Nope, I'm right. iTunes
was announced January 9th, 2001 and the iPod was announced on October
23rd, 2001.

Yes, odd that I should try and use a music player to play music. 
I am a little weird like that.

I just wish that honking great iTMS carbuncle at the bottom would go 
away. Am I missing some config option?
> I can't imagine why you think it sucks.  If you don't need iPod
> integration and you don't need iTunes, don't you have about 60
> kajillion other options?

Which bit are you disagreeing with? I don't particularly like the 
library management. I imagine some people do and that's cool. I was 
vaguely surprised that it didn't have an interface like the iPods which 
I would have liked. But that's a preference thing.

Are you disagreeing that the autocomplete sucks? In which case you might 
be in a minority.

Curiously yours,


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