* Martin Ebourne <li...@ebourne.me.uk> [2006-10-04 00:50]:
> I organise my emails in folders, but the email program still
> has a search function.

And when I'm not looking at new mail, I'm using search to find an
old one. I used folders as a *very* broad categorisation only,
because if I file too fastidiously, I invariably end up lost in
a maze of folders, unable to remember which one I should search.

> Any usable music player will index the id3 tags and let you
> search at the minimum. Any usable music player will also let
> you navigate your music as you have organised it in the
> filesystem. Either/or just does not cut it, to be usable both
> options are necessary.

I suppose we actually agree then. The peculiarities I really hate
about iTunes all have to do with the fact that it wants to manage
the files under its auspices on its own. It can be taught to be
mostly good, but that bias always shows through in various
aspects of its interface. (There is more hate than that there,
but it is benign.)

I just find file navigation a pretty crappy primary interface
when I want to listen to my music (just like when I'm looking
for that old email), and with WinAmp2, that's all I get. Mind
you I use a WinAmp-ish player (Audacious), but that's because
the various indexing players all disqualify themselves one way
or another. I look at the player landscape periodically because
I hate this filesystem business, but no luck so far, and I find
it more tolerable to live with something that does too little
than something that does too much.


Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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