* jrod...@hate.spamportal.net <jrod...@hate.spamportal.net> [2006-11-02 00:50]: > Usability and readability are not going to be improved by > adding in every character that you in your particular > configuration do not have a problem differentiating.
No need to attack a straw man. I don't think anyone claimed we should be imitating APL. Note the alternatives to carefully choosing a few characters from beyond ASCII: using long, spelled-out identifiers; or using sequences of ASCII punctuation characters. Each of these choices has the potential to make code less readable in some occasions but will be more appropriate than the other choices on other occasions; which is which would have to be decided case by case. That is what design is all about. Regards, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>