On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 23:47 -0800, Patrick Quinn-Graham wrote:
> Uh, you're hating ruby for calling it's package management system  
> "RubyGems"? That's like hating perl for CPAN or php for whatever it  
> is php has. Now obviously CPAN is hate-worthy, but not for it's name,  
> surely.
> And Rakefile... um, makefile? But not, because a makefile is for make?
> Surely this is misdirected hate...

Maybe so in this case. I guess they didn't have 'RPM' available to them
for starters. :) I do generally tire of the industry repeatedly trying
to hide old concepts behind new names though.

And I also hate the fact that every scripting language these days seems
to feel the need to have its own package manager. There's enough of the
damn things with the different OS's without every language piling in
with one (or 2 in the case of php) of its own.

CPAN is great as a website, and that's where it should have stayed.



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