On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 05:24:31PM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:
> A general purpose language which can't be used in different ways to
> solve different problems is not fit for purpose.

a general purpose language which can't be used in different ways to
solve different problems is quite obviously not a general purpose
language, by definition of "general purpose language."

> Are you proposing that programming languages should be rigid and
> unsuitable for a wide range of tasks?

I propose nothing of the sort.

I propose that perl's generality tends to cause reimplementation of many
wheels, even if CPAN (or perl's builtins) contain well known "best-
practices" implementations.

moreso, I propose that perl's "there's more than one way to do it"
slogan encourages unnecessary reimplementation, and perl's generality
encourages application of perl to problem spaces where it is not well

> On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:36:52PM -0800, Aaron J. Grier wrote:
> > I'm an engineer.  not a poet.
> An engineer who only ever does things, like, say, build a boiler, in
> one way, without regard for how that boiler is to be used, what
> pressure it will have to handle, and so on, is a pretty fucking poor
> excuse for an engineer.  I for one do not want someone who'll do
> nothing but locomotive boilers to work on my home heating system, or
> someone who insists that domestic boilers are the One True Way to work
> on trains.

you beg the question by assuming that all engineers design things this
way.  they don't.

you also give an example of some perl programmers, who see perl as the
be-all end-all tool to solve their problems.  it isn't.

I strive to be a good engineer.  perhaps you strive to be a good poet?

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | agr...@poofygoof.com
              "silly brewer, saaz are for pils!"  --  virt

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