jrod...@hate.spamportal.net writes:
> Right like a turing complete scripting language that only
> exists inside the one editor and nowhere else, has terrible
> syntax and clunky usage.

You see, the beauty of a Turing-complete scripting language is
that it transmutes software hate into self-loathing.  Surcease of
sorrow is always just a few more lines of configuration coding
away, and you're a dolt if you don't do it.  In programming
languages, this is known as the Scheme Effect: "sure there's no
object system or standard library, but that gives you the freedom
to create your very own, and brands you a moron if you don't."

Of course, this is irrelevant in the real world.  It continues to
amaze me how many students I see in the lab using vi without
":set syntax=on" or Emacs without "(blink-cursor-mode -1)",
having not even tried to reduce the pain.

contemplating a new editor, infinitely configurable in Befunge.

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