On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 01:19:33PM +1000, Matt McLeod wrote:

>                 with email you're guaranteed to get it (or the sender
> gets a response saying why not)

Bzzt, wrong.

If an intermediate mail sewer accepts the message but later can't
deliver it, and it then can't tell the sender about the failure ...

Yes, I've seen this.  The mail sewer in question was a relay between our
(for a non-current version of 'our') customers and our support people.
The firewall rules didn't let it make outbound connections to port 25.
Of course, no-one noticed because we never received any notification of
the errors.

David Cantrell | Cake Smuggler Extraordinaire

I hate baby seals.  They get asked to all the best clubs.

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