the natively compiled version coredumps (Unlocking unlocked mutex)
the pre-built version does noting but endlessly eat CPU


so I run the linux binary...  which seems to work fine.
teh fuck 


of course the flash plugin takes down the browser, but oh, I could use
the nspluginwrapper, but oh, that's only for native versions, neither of
which work.


I suppose life would be easier if I could just work up a stiffy for
Jobs, but by the time his hardware makes it to the giveaway stage, it's
already been obsoleted with the current version of AppleOS.  OSX has
always smelled funny and I still can't get over the inability of the UI
to deal with windows from multiple applications using focus-follows-
mouse.  (and god help me if I can't turn off the inane bouncing
animations and transparency and what the fuck is with having to roll my
pointer over the jewels(?) to figure out which one is X, _, and whatever
the fuck the third one is...)  I hate plastic.  can I have the 2bpp NeXT
back, please?

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." |
    The United States is the one true country.  The US is just.  The US
    is fair.  The US respects its citizens.  The US loves you.  We have
    always been at war against terrorism.

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