How is it that I went for all of 2006 without a hate?

As I admitted in a recent post, I use a MacBook.  It has a gigantic touchpad
with one big button.  I set that trackpad to tap-to-click, and I use the
button... well, never?  I guess I use it for the "hold button while booting to
eject stuck coaster" once a year or so.

Well, and for one other thing.  I use it for rating songs in iTunes.  Normally,
I just hit cmd-opt-number and Wincent Synergy rates the current track.  That's
no good if I want to rate the track I just listened to.  So, I cmd-tab over to
iTunes, hit cmd-l to find the current track, up to get to the previous one, and
then... well, then I need to use the trackpad.  There's no built-in "rate
selected song" keystroke.  The rating column, though, is clickable.  You click
on the empty star container and it fills it with stars, like the giant hateful
monolith it is.

In fact, like that big black monolith, it always leaves me flailing my arms,
whacking at my trackpad.  TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP.  *OH*.  Then I remember.

See, you can't *tap* the stars to rate.  You have to click.  With the button.

Apparently clicking and tap-to-click are secretly different.  I guess it
protects you from... I don't know, rating too hastily?



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