So, each poster's thread gets archived under a host named for
their email address. There is no way whatsoever to link to
individual posts on these pages; only entire threads get an
address. Just great!! Who needs links anyway -- this web
thingamajig is silly anyway!

Whatever, I was trying to look up an old post from Aaron Crane
(as it turns out; didn't know it at the time), in a thread from
Yossi Kreinin.

Yossi has a dot in his mail address.

You guessed it: there's no way to get at his threads.

Note that lists which seems
good, except it redirects... to -- 404.

Does it get any MORE broken?

Yeah. I noticed that this page lists an author called "pagaltzis"
whose threads appear under
... which is *not* as I configured
it yonks ago.

But wait -- the latter still exists! It has my old threads. The
other one has my newer ones. AAaaaargh.

So I clicked to try to change the configuration. My password was
rejected. And I cannot find any password reminder or password
reset link. Trying to re-register with the same address just
makes the server crap itself and return a blank page. Great, just

So I idly clicked the "siesta" logotype, and discovered
that there is a SECOND archive:
This one actually has one page per post -- whoooo. Of course the
newest post in it is from the end of March, some 4.5 months ago.

Thankfully, the post I was looking for is older than that, so I
was able to find it.

Exim may be hateful, but I'm still glad that it runs the actual
mailing list delivery for hates-software, otherwise even that
wouldn't work.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>

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