* Richard Clamp <richa...@unixbeard.net> [2007-08-06 12:55]:
> On Sun, Aug 05, 2007 at 04:27:50AM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> > So, each poster's thread gets archived under a host named for
> > their email address. There is no way whatsoever to link to
> > individual posts on these pages; only entire threads get an
> > address. Just great!! Who needs links anyway -- this web
> > thingamajig is silly anyway!
> That's because hates software is meant to be a blog not a
> discussion group.  

Every single weblog where I've ever left a comment used internal
anchors to make comments linkable individually. That makes the
hates-software permalink pages *the worst* of any blog engine I
have ever seen.

Oh yeah, and I noticed a while ago that it fails to decode mails
in quoted-printable format at the very least; I think it fails to
decode mails at all. If it's gonna process mail as the way to
drive a blog, then it should maybe, y'know ACTUALLY PROCESS MAIL
when it drives the blog.

Not to mention that this "I'm a bloooooog not a maaaaailing
list!" thing is hotsy-totsy cow manure and makes it *totally
worthless* in either role.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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