On 2007-12-17, at 13:31, Phil Pennock wrote:
The Americans went "we're replacing a name with a number, that's all, so Dec 17th, 2007 becomes 12-17-2007" whereas everyone else went "mixing up
ascending and descending numbers like that is something only those
people who, years from now, will design the PDP computers will think is
right; that's crazy and wrong".

All of which is why I use the (military, I believe) "DD-MMM-[CC]YY" format when writing dates casually.

The only mixed-endianness in the PDP-11 was in floating point, and I don't think it was a factor until the 11/70 came out: the older floating point processor was a completely incompatible memory-mapped design. So I don't think it's fair to say that the people who designed the PDP-11 thought it was right... the FP-11 was a box thrown over the wall from another planet.

Planet Hate.

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