On Mar 2, 2008, at 4:59 AM, demerphq wrote:

On 02/03/2008, Joshua Juran <jju...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mar 2, 2008, at 3:50 AM, demerphq wrote:

*Nix editors are laughingly hateful across the board. Lots of
features, too bad about the goddamned USER INTERFACE.

How else do you make it work on a vt220?  It's not like everybody has
 a fancy terminal with a mouse, bitmapped display, and network stack.

You mean that its impossible to figure out a way to make it not suck
when you do?

That was sarcasm -- *everyone* has access to said 'smart' terminals these days. (Anyone still using a dumb terminal must be assumed to prefer it.) But somehow, it's mysteriously difficult to make remote file editing not suck. Or maybe nobody cares enough.

Obligatory hate:

I tried setting up a local HTTP server with a CGI script that invokes my preferred editor, forwarded the port over ssh, and then using an 'editor' that sends the file over HTTP and receives it back. It basically works, except that ssh port forwarding sucks because it wants me to pick the port number. I don't give a rat's ass which port it uses, but it thoughtfully makes me pick one so that it's my fault when it conflicts with either one chosen by hypothetical other users on the remote system, or very real other local systems I'm connecting from. If ssh could just pick a free port and then set an environment variable saying which one it was, that would be very cool, except of course for allowing ANYONE ON THE REMOTE SYSTEM to connect to my forwarded port. WTF!? How about forwarding to a unix- domain socket? Am I really the first person to think of this?

Yes, it's my first rant and I'm hating on ssh. Because the most poignant hate stems from the software I love the most.


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