On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 05:46:48AM -0800, Joshua Juran wrote:
> *everyone* has access to said 'smart' terminals  these days.  (Anyone
> still using a dumb terminal must be assumed to  prefer it.)  But
> somehow, it's mysteriously difficult to make remote  file editing not
> suck.  Or maybe nobody cares enough.

how do you want to disassemble the problem?  remotely accessing a
running editor has existing hateful partial-solutions (X, screen, remote
desktop).  a local editor accessing a remote file has existing
partial-hateful solutions (SMB, NFS, FTP, HTTP).  allowing the "remote"
bits of file editing to be put into an editor would result in a
veritable plethora of hateful one-per-editor "remote file access"
implementations, which I'm sure emacs and vim have already implemented.

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | agr...@poofygoof.com

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