On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 07:01:06PM -0400, num...@deathwyrm.com wrote:
> David Cantrell wrote:
> >Filename character limits are also perfectly sensible.  Unix, for
> >example, doesn't let you use / or NUL in filenames, and for all
> >practical purposes you shouldn't be using a vast number of other
> >characters either - \'"()*;?& and so on.  Unix will let you shoot
> >yourself in the foot with those, of course.  It'll let you shoot your
> >admin in the foot too by, eg, putting a space in a filename that one of
> >his scripts later barfs over.
> Certain limits are unavoidable, but allowing more than the basic 26 
> letters is greatly appreciated by the non-English world.

Remember when VMS was created.  Now look to see what other OSes cared
about non-English speakers at the time.  Mac OS might have done, I don't
think anything else of any significance did.  VMS is at least no more
hateful in this regard than anything else.

> Even aside from that, just take a look at (to pick a somewhat random 
> site) ftp://ftp.gnu.org/ and see how many of those filenames wouldn't be 
> allowed under "alphanumerics (plus _- and $) with 39 character 
> filenames" yet are perfectly sensible.

Ah, yes, the deliberately pathological case of a heavily Unix-centric
site.  Yes, I know what GNU stands for.  It's still Unix-centric.

David Cantrell | Reality Engineer, Ministry of Information

Eye have a spelling chequer / It came with my pea sea
It planely marques four my revue / Miss Steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word / And weight for it to say
Weather eye am wrong oar write / It shows me strait a weigh.

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