On Sat, 23 Aug 2008, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

> * Chris Devers <cdev...@pobox.com> [2008-08-22 18:45]:
> > Surely punting with "not my problem" is itself hateful. 
> You seriously want each application to come up with entirely new ways 
> of making text editing hateful?

On the contrary, I like a bit of consistency. 

I tend to bounce back & forth between Pine/Alpine, and Apple Mail. 

Both of these use a lot of Emacs keybindings, aiding predictability. 

It's not perfect overlap to be sure, but a decent 80% solution. 

The strange point of view to me -- which I am aware of, but fail to see 
the benefits of -- is taking the purist Unix-ey "everything does one and 
only one thing, and you assemble the toolkit you want" to absurd levels.

Sure, Mutt lets you embed the editor you want. Big deal, so does Pine. 

But what is an email client if not a tool for processing text? If it 
can't be bothered to build in a reasonable mail composition tool, then 
why bother?

I'm tired of assembling my own toolkits. 

I don't *care* what editor I use, as long as it's reasonable. 

I just want things to Work. 

And I don't want to have to twiddle knobs to hand-craft "my" approach. 

I was born with a brain, and it's willing to be flexible. 

But my brain isn't willing to keep reinventing wheels unnecessarily. 

I guess I just like mail clients with wheels already built in.

Chris Devers

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