2009/3/25 Joshua Rodman <jrod...@hate.spamportal.net>:
> All this from a company betting their future on tape archive robots.

That market is an extremely interesting one actually. There is a
mammoth unbelievably large market for proper data archiving. Whichever
company comes up with a really good solution will make themselves
extremely rich. All the current one really suck. (Robots pushing tapes
around? Snicker, such barbarians!)

Consider that insurance companies and in fact many companies have
legal obligations to keep data for considerably longer than the entire
history of modern computing. As far as I know currently the best
solution is still the microfiche!

Hows that for a thought? Some hacker 100 years from now may be
bitching about how hateful the microfiche robot is while they are
trying to convert it into the new fancy nano storage technology...


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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