So recently, having been unable to find my ipod nano 3g, I decided that I needed some music device for the tube. I figure I might find my nano, so I opted to get a shuffle.

After having eschewed the 4 gig model with no buttons on (it has strange in-band signalling through the crappy apple-supplied headphones with magic buttons in), I opted for the 1 gig model which has buttons on it rather than having to have the crappy headphones.

I synced from my ibook the other day and put some music on. Today I came to sync music with my iMac and discovered that it doesn't want to play. Apparently I can't put music on my ipod from two different machines (at least not with itunes). It offers me the option to clear the ipod and then copy the music over (I had triggered it by dragging an album to the iPod in iTunes).

So I cleared the iPod, figuring I would just copy that music over onto my imac and do it from there. Then it errored telling me that my iPod doesn't support the format the music is in.

That would be *apple* lossless. Which the apple website explicitly claims it supports.


Then I found the magic tickbox. If you click on the iPod and then click the 'settings' tab, there's a 'Convert higher bit rate songs to 128 kbps AAC' option. My music is now copying.

Please just FOAD.

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