On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Peter da Silva <pe...@taronga.com> wrote:
> On 2009-12-22, at 21:40, Chris Devers wrote:
>> Now if you want to go make up your own moon-rules definition for what
>> an "application" is and what should be expected of it, that's up to
>> you.
> How about this "moon rule"? If you're a document-based application, when
> someone closes a document window, focus goes to the next highest window in
> the stack regardless of the application it is.

And, indeed, this is how things tend to work on Windows and all the
Linux flavors I've tried.

But we're talking about Macs here, and Macs have a different approach.
It isn't complicated in the default mode: If you close a window in
nearly any application, focus goes to the next window *in that
application.* The main exception is applications such as System
Preferences, which shut down when the last/only window gets closed.
But for all other applications that will happily continue to run with
zero or more windows, closing windows does not trigger a switch to the
next running application.

The problem, of course, is that Spaces fucks this up royally, as it
seems to take a drunken, blindfolded dartboard approach to window
management that is best used with grim resignation and willingness to
accept such mere considerations as window focus as little unexpected
gifts of manna from the Apple OS gods.

But it's really not that bad if you just pretend Spaces never happened.

Chris Devers

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