On 2009-12-24, at 20:36, david.mackint...@xdroop.com wrote:
On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 04:20:02PM -0600, Peter da Silva wrote:
If you don't like it, there's an API to
plug in your own.

Ah, and there it is -- the wonderful attitude that has been the
genesis of the steaming mountain of "software" with which we deal
every day:

If you don't like it, write something better.

...except most people don't write something better.  They write
something new.  Or different.  Or strange.  Or wrong.  Or any one of
any number of descriptions, none of which are "better".

I'm sorry, there are plenty of off the shelf spam filters. Apple Mail hooks into Applescript, and Applescript hooks into shell scripts. Apple mail uses plain text files and sqlite databases. If you want to use the plethora of existing UNIX mail tools with Apple mail, you can do it. You can also stick fetchmail in between Apple Mail and your IMP or POP3 mail servers, and do the spam filtering before Apple mail sees it. Everything you want, all the UNIX pipe and filter one-program-to- do-one-thing-well infrastructure is there. Yes, that has its own suck (see "mh"), but you have the choice of what suck you want to deal with... Apple isn't forcing you to deal with the "Monolithic Application Suck"

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